Electron Microscopy Videos on YouTube

1 minute read


YouTube has many useful videos on electron microscopy which often helped me to understand various topics or alignment steps at the microscopes.
To keep track of all the different videos and channels about electron microscopy, I created a YouTube channel dedicated to finding these videos and sorting them into playlists. Just have a look! 😄

For example, the preparation of thin samples for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument requires careful adjustment of the ion-beam parameters and the sample tilt. The FIB playlist may give you tips and tricks by other operators for your next TEM sample?

So far, the videos are limited to the “materials-science side” of electron microscopy. Videos about cryo-EM may be added in the future.

I try to keep the videos updated as much as possible and hope that they will help you as much as they helped me. 😊

Solution to last blog post: Elusive Precipitates in GdBCO

Regarding the image from the previous post, here are the precipitates.
Two are quite obvious but the small one on the top right is hard to spot. 👻
